A musical meditation on Oscar Wilde’s Letter from Prison
In 1895, Oscar Wilde, one of the great wits and personalities of the 19th century, was sent to prison for what was deemed the “gross indecency” of his sexuality.
Taking inspiration from the ‘De Profundis’ (‘Out of the deep’) letter which Wilde wrote during his incarceration, we will explore themes of love, isolation, and redemption in an absorbing journey of words and music. Poetry and prose from the 17th century to the modern day, including extracts from Wilde’s introspective masterpiece, will be interspersed with solo songs by Henry Purcell and two deeply searching ‘De profundis’ psalm settings by Johann Sebastian Bach and Bohemian composer Jan Dismas Zelenka.
This performance is also taking place in Oxford >>
John Wilbye ~ Ye that do live in pleasures plenty
Henry Purcell ~ Sweeter than roses, Jehovah quam multi sunt hostes mei, In the black dismal dungeon of despair
Jan Dismas Zelenka ~ De Profundis, ZWV 97
Hans Leo Hassler ~ Mein G’müt ist mir verwirret
J. S. Bach ~ Aus der Tiefen rufen ich, Herr, zu dir, BWV 131
Johannes Brahms ~ Herzlich tut mich verlangen
Andre Campra ~ De Profundis, Requiem