concert roulette
“the most fun since lockdown began”
Concert Roulette is a new way of discovering classical music. Simply click to start and you’ll be presented with a video of a concert. Keep spinning by clicking ‘another!’ until you find one you want to watch. There are over 1,000 videos from around the world, to keep you entertained for many, many hours...
On our classical jukebox you’ll find music choices from the renaissance period right up to the present day. You’re just as likely to get a choral concert in a church as an orchestral show on stage or a solo performance in a gallery, all filmed in high definition.
“this has to be the most fun since lockdown began”
~ culture whisper
“This has brought classical music back into my life and that’s a good thing.”
“This is great. It wastes as much time as Twitter but you feel better afterwards.”
“I have not come across another resource which in 20 minutes makes me stagger at the range and ingenuity of creativity. I was utterly transfixed and it took great discipline to tear myself away to complete this email to you.”
If you want to submit your video to be considered for inclusion, you can do so using this Google Form.