Diversity & Inclusion Panel Talk
How do factors like race, gender, sexual orientation, and socio-economic background overlap to influence our musical experiences? What does that mean for everyone who interacts with our performances, both on and off the stage? What does a safe and inclusive environment look and feel like for our musicians, our audiences, our community?
It is these questions and more that we explore in this year’s Diversity & Inclusion Panel Talk with Sinfonia Smith Square, with perceptive and engaging insights from leading experts in the industry. This is an open conversation, and a chance to collaborate and think together about the community around us, and the further steps needed in order to support those who have faced multiple barriers to existing in the classical music world.
Panellists to include:
Roger Wilson ~ co-founder Black Lives in Music
Letty Stott ~ co-founder Gender and the Large Shiny Instruments
Gennie Joy ~ Music Education consultant & Sinfonia Smith Square trustee
Benjamin Collyer ~ Sinfonia Smith Square musician