This is part of a series of late-night events at God’s House Tower, a late 13th century gatehouse into the Old Town of Southampton. This is an opportunity to explore the building by night and enjoy a series of performances from musicians from Southampton and beyond. Immerse yourself in the captivating surroundings of God’s House Tower in the historic Old Town whilst enjoying the flourishing creative scene in the city.
The GHT Cafe & Bar will be open throughout the evening, serving you a variety of refreshing, locally sourced drinks from Unity Brewing Co Beer to Coffee by Peaberry Coffee Roasters.
GHT Lates #7 features:
Dan O'Farrell
The Ben Moss Trio
The Diamond Family Archive
And don't forget to arrive hungry as @thechillichain will be serving up homemade chilli and nachos 🌶🌶🌶